Past Events
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Losar: The Tibetan New Year
7:00 am-8:00 am: Green Tara (Temple) 8:30 am: Ritual Fire (Temple) 11:00 am: Kata Offering to the Masters, in the Presence of the Buddha’s Relics (Institute) 2:00 pm-4:00 pm: Chenrezig Practice and Mantra Accumulation (Temple) 2:00 pm-4:00 pm: Guided Tours Open to All Free Entry
Find out more »Conference on Dhagpo’s History
During this lecture, Lama Namdak will share a brief history of Dhagpo: its origins, its development, its pivotal steps, its sangha, and some important events. In addition, there will be a slideshow to accompany the presentation. Open to All Free Entry
Find out more »Table ronde : L’histoire de Dhagpo racontée par les personnalités locales
Avec : Paul Azoulai, Médecin et maire de Montignac (2002-2008) François Bruno, Maire de Saint-Léon-sur-Vézère (2001-2014) Jacques Cabanel, Conseiller général et maire de Montignac (1972-2001) Robert Delbary, Maire de Plazac (1992-2014) Philippe Lagarde, Président de la Communauté de Communes Vallée de l’Homme Jean-Guy de Saint-Périer, Président de Dhagpo Animation : lama Puntso Ouvert à tous Entrée libre
Find out more »Cérémonie de commémoration du parinirvana de Shamar Rinpoché
Mise à jour 21/05/15 : Pleine lune, Dutchen et Paranirvana de Shamar Rinpoché (programme à confirmer) : - Rituel de Tchenrézi avec accumulation du mantra (institut) - de 10h à 12h et - de 14h à 16h - Rituel d'Amitabha à 18 h (institut) - Rituel de Mahakala à 16h30 - Pas de rituel de…
Find out more »Living Impermanence from Within – with Dongsung Shabdrung Rinpoche
Impermanence is not limited to the finite nature of beings and the fact that all things eventually disappear. This teaching, in its subtlest facets, explains the functioning of phenomena themselves: it reveals what we cannot technically perceive, “impermanence of continuity.” Dongsung Shabdrung Rinpoche explains the different aspects of impermanence and how to apply these instructions.…
Find out more »An Homage to Shamar Rinpoche, with Trinlay Rinpoche
The Biography of a Contemporary Master Thinley Rinpoche knew Shamarpa well; he accompanied him on numerous voyages as his translator and is currently editing his biography. Over the course of the day, Thinley Rinpoche will recount the life of this contemporary bodhisattva, focusing on important moments and inspiring stories. This homage to an extraordinary being…
Find out more »Grand Accumulation of Manis – An Expression of Our Gratitude
Over the course of these three weeks, to celebrate Dhagpo’s 40th anniversary in a spirit of gratitude, we will accomplish a grand accumulation of the mantra of universal compassion. On the basis of Four-Armed Chenrezig Practice, we will accumulate the mantra OM MANI PEME HUNG from morning to evening. Each individual is welcome to participate…
Find out more »An exceptional visit from Karmapa
We will be welcoming Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, for an exceptional five-day visit. Karmapa will be joining us to celebrate the forty years of activity begun by his predecessor, the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa. Forty years needed to realize the necessary elements for the preservation and diffusion of the Buddha’s teaching…
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