Continuing to Inscribe the Dharma into the French Patrimony
Indeed, these residences will allow for practitioners engaged in the preservation and diffusion of the Dharma to have decent living conditions, and they will allow those who have the wish to immerse themselves in the three aspects of practice (Dharma learning, meditation, and application in daily life) to do so by participating in community life.
This project needs your support.
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by Supporting the Institute’s Residences Project.
Practitioners study The Entry to the State of a Pandita in the context of the learning and meditation curriculum. The translation team of Dhagpo’s Institute has translated the first chapters.
We have created a box of vocabulary cards of the aggregates and the fifty-five mental events.
The box costs 50€ and the entirety of the benefits go toward the Institute’s Residences Project.
The Entry to the State of a Pandita
The teachings that belong to the collection of the Abhidharma present and categorize all that is to know: those said to be outer phenomena (the world and things) and those said to be inner phenomena (our thoughts and consciousness). Correctly identifying phenomena for what they are allows us not to misinterpret them.
The Entry to the State of a Pandita is a text written by the 1st Mipham Rinpoche (1844–1912 CE) that belongs to the Abhidharma. The first chapter covers the five aggregates and shows that what we consider as our identity designates a psycho-physical composite made up of forms, sensations, distinctions, conditioning phenomena, and consciousness.
Dhagpo New Residences
To receive an education and live the Dharma at the Heart of Community Life
Project overview and donation bulletin