Clarity and Compassion Study and Meditation Retreat
The path offered by the Buddha consists in clarifying our minds so that we can be freer in our choices. Based on examination of our situation, we become aware of […]
The path offered by the Buddha consists in clarifying our minds so that we can be freer in our choices. Based on examination of our situation, we become aware of […]
Sunday, February 23–Thursday, February 27 - 2:30 pm Protector Ritual Traditionally, the period around New Year's is considered positive for the purification of mind's veils and for spiritual accomplishments. During […]
Ce cursus d’étude et de méditation, élaboré par Shamar Rinpoché, est guidé par lama Jigmé Rinpoché depuis cinq ans. [...] Le contenu de chaque rencontre dépend de l’évolution de la pratique des participants.
Program updated on 02/01/2025 Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, explained the importance of the Five Royal Sutras, which are paths of practice.
Ce cursus d’étude et de méditation, élaboré par Shamar Rinpoché, est guidé par lama Jigmé Rinpoché depuis cinq ans. [...] Le contenu de chaque rencontre dépend de l’évolution de la pratique des participants.
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa explains the importance of the Five Royal Sutras that make up the paths of practice. Among them, the Sutra of Aspirations for […]
Last update 02/01/2025 This introduction explores the inspiring path of a bodhisattva in Mayahana Buddhism. Je Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche will analyze the various elements that make up the path