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Treatise that Distinguishes Object-Oriented Knowledge from Primordial Knowledge – Session 2

Program update on 1/03/2025

This text by the 3rd Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje (1284–1339), distinguishes the way that object-oriented knowledge manifests and operates from primordial knowledge.  In other words, it provides understanding of the difference between the mind of an enlightened being and the confusion in the mind of an ordinary being, despite the fact that the nature of the two are identical.  The explanation of the text will be detailed and rigorous, based on scriptural sources.  To study this key work of the Karma Kagyu tradition constitutes a prerequisite for those who wish to integrate serious meditative practice on their path.  

Dhongtsang Shabdrung Rinpoché

Dongsung Shabdrung Rinpoche, fourth of this name, known for his great scholarship, is recognized as the incarnation of Sangye Yeshe (832–902 CE), one of twenty-five heart disciples of Padmasambhava.  Despite belonging to the Sakya lineage, he received the most important transmissions and empowerment cycles from masters of different schools, among them Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa.  He is currently the principal instructor at DongSung monastery, China.


  • Though open to all, this teaching requires familiarization with Buddhist ideas.  

  • Beginning of the Teaching: Wednesday, April 23  at 10:00 a.m.

  • Translations:  This teaching is given in Tibetan and translated into French.  If you wish to follow this teaching in another language (German, English, or Spanish), we ask that you kindly fill in this request form before Monday, April 14th.

Frais de session : 23 € / jour


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