After his first European tour, Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, travelled to Dhagpo Kundreul Ling in the Auvergne region where he stayed in retreat from February 6 to June 8, 2000 to pursue his education alongside His Holiness the 14th Künzig Shamarpa, Mipham Chökyi Lodrö (1952-2014). Just as the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa had done for him, a generation later, Shamarpa in turn took care of the young 17th Karmapa’s education.
This uninterrupted continuity of transmission of methods leading to liberation from suffering and to enlightenment are held in a pure manner by what is known as the Golden Rosary of the Karma Kagyu lineage. The Kagyu lineage emphasizes the continuity of oral instructions transmitted from master to disciple. The literal meaning of the term “Kagyu” reflects this.
The first syllable “Ka” བཀའ refers to the words of the Buddha and to the oral instructions of the accomplished master. This term designates both the enlightened meaning transmitted by the teacher’s words, as well as the blessing that these terms carry. The second syllable, “gyü” བརྒྱུད་ refers to lineage or tradition. Together, these two syllables mean “the lineage of oral instructions.”
The lineage can be traced back to the source of enlightenment and to the historical Shakyamuni Buddha; it reached Tibet through Marpa (1012-1097). The lineage then established itself over the centuries and through generations who transmitted these methods by “word of mouth” until the present. The 14th Shamarpa is thus part of this unbroken continuity, just as the 17th Karmapa is today. As he himself declared:
Shamarpa therefore ensured that all the Karma Kagyu teachings, instructions and empowerments were passed on in an authentic manner to the 17th Karmapa, both in terms of the transmission of philosophical scriptural sources and the most profound practices of Mahamudra and Vajrayana in general.
During his retreat at Kundreul Ling, Karmapa received various teachings and transmissions from several lineage holders, as we shall see in different articles over this year.

Shamarpa conferred on Karmapa the extensive empowerments of two principal yidams, Dorje Phagmo and Korlo Demchok; the ritual reading of Chakchen Gyazhung, which is the collection of Indian Mahamudra texts compiled by the 7th Karmapa Chodrak Gyamtso (1454-1506); the collection of initiations entitled Chik Shé Kün Dröl (Knowing one thing, all is liberated) compiled by the 9th Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje (1556-1603).
That these transmissions from a Shamarpa to a Karmapa take place on French soil, thousands of miles from the places where they were originally conferred and practiced, is exceptional in many ways. This moment in the history of the lineage whereby a Karmapa receives anew the methods of liberation also means that, thanks to Shamarpa’s generosity, an awakened blessing is anchored in Dhagpo Kundreul Ling.
These photos come from our archives or were collected as part of the research for Dhagpo Kagyu Ling’s 50th anniversary. We have not been able to identify all the authors. The use of these photos is solely for informational purposes within the context of Dhagpo Kagyu Ling’s 50th anniversary celebration. Their use is limited to this event and our website and is not for commercial purposes.
To mark this event, on February 6th, the extensive ritual of Dorjé Pamo will be performed throughout the day in two locations: at the Institute of Dhagpo Kagyu Ling and in the temple of Dhagpo Kundreul Ling.
These photos come from our archives or were collected as part of the research for Dhagpo Kagyu Ling’s 50th anniversary. We have not been able to identify all the authors. The use of these photos is solely for informational purposes within the context of Dhagpo Kagyu Ling’s 50th anniversary celebration. Their use is limited to this event and our website and is not for commercial purposes.