Gratitude and Continuity

25 May 2024

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During the weekend of 18 to 20 May, we had the opportunity to join a special event in homage to our lineage holder, the 14th Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche, on the tenth anniversary of his parinirvana. It was an unforgettable weekend, with a rich and inspiring programme, where everyone could feel Shamarpa’s generous presence among us.

A warm thank you to everyone

We would like to express our deep gratitude to the Shamarpa lineage, and more specifically to the 14th Shamar Rinpoche, for his kindness and generosity through the teachings he has left us and his boundless activity to preserve and transmit the authentic Buddha Dharma, and to facilitate its spread in the West.

We wish to extend our warmest thanks to Lama Jigme Rinpoche, spiritual director of Dhagpo Kagyu Ling, who with great compassion, patience and support, guides us to put the Buddha Dharma into practice in our lives and to make it accessible to all.

Thank you to Lama Trehor for taking us on a journey through the lives, prophecies and the historical significance of the Red Crown Holder in Tibetan Buddhism, and for making us aware of the vast and compassionate activity of Shamar Rinpoche across East and West.

We are most grateful also to the Bodhi Path Centre in Virginia for sharing with us the profound teachings given by Kunzig Shamar Rimpoche in 2013, on the occasion of his annual programme in the USA. It was a real joy to listen to these teachings and guidance shared with such depth, liveliness and humour. Thanks also to Professor Lara Braitstein for sharing her inspiring and moving experience in the long process of working with Shamar Rinpoche on the book Lojong, the Path to Awakening.

Without the dedicated work of the translators, this weekend would not have had such a wide outreach. These teachings were available in up to 7 languages! Thank you to each and every one of them. We would also like to express appreciation to the event coordinator, and to the team in charge of editing the videos, as well as to all those who contributed in a myriad of ways to this wonderful tribute.

Finally, we would like to thank all the participants for their presence, whether they were on site or connected online from different parts of the world, as well as from numerous Dharma centers. The many messages received encourage us to continue this homage through future events.

How and when can I watch Shamarpa’s videos again?

Many people have asked if they could rewatch the precious videos of Shamarpa’s teachings. To accommodate this request, we will replay these videos on Friday May 31st, Saturday June 1st and Sunday June 2nd.

We will soon share the YouTube links with the exact timings to all those who registered. If you are interested, please register:

  • PLEASE NOTE: If you have already filled out a form for the previous event, you do not need to register again. You will automatically receive the information and new connection links.
  • Otherwise, please, register via the online form. You will receive a confirmation of your registration and then an email with the connection link the day before.


How can I support this project?

Shamar Rinpoche’s teachings are a real treasure for practioners today and future generations. As we indicated during last weekend’s event, our aspiration now is to continue collecting Shamar Rinpoche’s Buddha Dharma teachings in order to preserve them, translate them and make them accessible to the widest number as they are a source of such benefit and wisdom. If you wish to support this ambitious project, it is possible to make a donation :

Via Paypal
By bank transfer

Bank account details

Domiciliation : Banque Populaire Aquitaine Centre Atlantique
Compte : congrégation KDC
IBAN : FR76 1090 7002 8811 2199 4326 444
Important : specify « don-Shamarpa»

By Check

– write a check to: KDC-Enseignements. Important : specify « don-Shamarpa»
– send to: DKL donateurs – 4430 Rte de la Côte de Jor, 24290 Saint-Léon-sur-Vézère

Many thanks to you all. May this blessed time spent with the late Shamar Rinpoche inspire our practice day after day.

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